Гучжэн - китайская цитра (читай: гусли). Пожалуй, самый выдающийся китайский муз.инструмент. В древности у женщины должно было быть 4 добродетели, в том числе и игра на цитре.
А вот ссылка на девушку, которая меня сильно восхитила. Больше информации о ней можно найти, я думаю, на китайских порталах (например, в ее блоге), но увы, в китайском я не сильна.
Rolling in the deep GUZHENG COVERwww.youtube.com/watch?v=6ylmo1zna3IКитайское имя - Сюй Хэвэй (Xu Hewei)
Увы, из ее интервью я поняла только субтитры к вопросам =( Почему она одевается всегда в белый свитер - для меня загадка ^_^
Кстати, симпатичная девушка 
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RlqA973AmUVivian - так ее зовут по-английски.This Guzheng player is a 21-year old Chinese law school student who shows a great talent in playing the Chinese zither. Zithers are specifically meant for traditional Chinese musical performance, which falls within a pentatonic scale - a musical scale with five notes per octave with contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. So the scale conversion could be tough and not very straight forward. However, this creative musician has done a great job in playing the cover for Adele's most famous "Rolling in the Deep".
In her first interview(dated 3/20/2012) by a Chinese newspaper, she revealed that she really loves music, and has started playing zither as a hobby since her 3rd grade. Piano turned out to be her musical instrument to start with, but later her tiger mom just picked a zither for her, hoping to train her "temperament'(to be a sweet girl & not a tomboy). When she walked out of the elementary school, she's already become a zither pro, passing China's Zither Proficiency Test -Level 10, the highest level certificate one can obtain as an amateur player in China.
Musical composition is not foreign to her. It's reported that this is not the first time she could come up with a cover like that. There have been so many cover versions for Adele's Rolling in the Deep over the Internet, and yet there is none by the Chinese zither. She said that one of her friends suggested the idea of her doing an arrangement for Adele's most popular single. Over one weekend after school, she locked herself up in a room, listening to the original song, and getting the feel of the melody before rounding up the music. The version released over the Internet is completed and finalized on her 3rd trial.
It's interesting that her Weibo page(China's equivalent of Facebook) was almost bombarded with requests for the sheet music for this extraordinary cover. Those netizens might be out of luck as she said that she played Guzheng entirely by ear.
We probably won't be hearing from her for a while since she's been overwhelmed by one of her major bar exams.
Hopefully, the next release will be Adele's Someone Like You. Go Vivian(btw, that's her English name known to her friends).
Here are her blog and website:
- weibo.com/vivianloved
- i.youku.com/u/UMjExNTM4Mzk2
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